Alain-Rene Lesage Quotes

Brief author info: Alain-Rene Lesage (1668-1747) French playwright and novelist.

Showing: 1 - 8 Alain-Rene Lesage Quotes of 8
I am happy and content because I think I am.
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it is the only idea we have.
To think is to say no.
Doubt is not below knowledge, but above it.
The soul is that which denies the body. For example, that which refuses to run when the body trembles, to strike when the body is angry, to drink when the body is thirsty.
The most difficult thing in the world is to say thinkingly what everybody says without thinking.
The pleasure of talking is the inextinguishable passion of a woman, coeval with the act of breathing.
Would you like to be a brilliant conversationalist? Just give your natural enthusiasm free reign and say whatever comes into your head. Your rashness will be taken for extraordinary courage.
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Life Quote
I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
Relationship Quote
A relationship is what happens between two people who are waiting for something better to come along.

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