Andrew A. Rooney Quotes

Showing: 21 - 30 Andrew A. Rooney Quotes of 50
If you put on an item of clothing that hurts just because you have an idea it looks better or conforms to what other people are wearing, it's dumb.
When it comes to educating all of us about the most basic things in life, it seems to me we need more kindergartens and fewer graduate schools.
Familiar things are a comfort to us all.
Most of the people in the world are good and decent if you give them a chance to be ...
No matter what any of the grammar teachers say, punctuation is an arbitrary matter. It should be used to make sentences clear.
Person-to-person, most people are honest.
The English language is more complex than calculus because numbers don't have nuances.
Looking and not finding is certainly one of the most frustrating ways to spend time.
When I write, I use an Underwood #5 made in 1920. Someone gave me an electric typewriter, but there's no use pretending you can use machinery that thinks faster than you do. An electric typewriter is ready to go before I have anything to say.
Before a kid learns how to use a computer that can solve mathematical problems, he or she should know how to do arithmetic without a computer.

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