Epictetus Quotes

Showing: 31 - 40 Epictetus Quotes of 47
First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.
In theory, there is nothing to hinder our following what we are taught, but in life there are many things to draw us aside.
The soul is unwillingly deprived of truth.
The good or ill of man lies within his own will.
If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write.
Remember that you are but an actor, acting whatever part the Master has ordained. It may be short or it may be long. If he wishes you to represent a poor man, do so heartily; if a cripple, or a magistrate, or a private man, in each case act your part with honor.
First, say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
Fortify yourself with contentment, for this is an impregnable fortress.
I am always content with what happens; for I know that what God chooses is better than what I choose.
No great thing is created suddenly.

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