Euripides Quotes

Showing: 61 - 70 Euripides Quotes of 196
The man who sticks it out against his fate shows spirit, but the spirit of a fool.
There's nothing like the sight Of an old enemy down on his luck.
Your worst enemy Becomes your best friend, once he's underground.
It is the wise man's part to leave in darkness everything that is ugly.
Evil men by their own nature cannot ever prosper.
Human excellence means nothing Unless it works with the consent of God.
Experience, travel- These are an education in themselves.
Few have greater riches than the joy That comes to us in visions, In dreams which nobody can take away.
Necessity is harsh. Fate has no reprieve.
Worse than a true evil is it to bear the burden of faults that are not truly yours.

Funny Quote
Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Success Quote
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Life Quote
The time we waste trying to find out what life is all about could be spent loving someone and finding out.

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