Frederick W. Robertson Quotes

Brief author info: Frederick W. Robertson (1816-1853) Church of England clergyman.

Showing: 1 - 7 Frederick W. Robertson Quotes of 7
We win by tenderness; we conquer by forgiveness.
To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy. Belief is power.
What we are, and where we are, is God's providential arrangement ... and the manly and wise way is to look your disadvantages in the face, and see what can be made of them.
... religious controversy does only harm. It destroys humble inquiry after truth, and throws all the energies into an attempt to prove ourselves right-a spirit in which no man gets at truth.
Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated.
The office of poetry is not to make us think accurately, but feel truly.
The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds.
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Love Quote
I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent.
Life Quote
I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to.
Life Quote
Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

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