Jean-Baptiste Rousseau Quotes
Brief author info: Jean-Baptiste Rousseau (1671-1741) French poet.
Showing: 1 - 10 Jean-Baptiste Rousseau Quotes of 49
The happiest is he who suffers the least pain; the most miserable, he who enjoys the least pleasure.
The Catholic must adopt the decision handed down to him; the Protestant must learn to decide for himself.
To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties.
Hatred, as well as love, renders its votaries credulous.
Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.
Censorship may be useful for the preservation of morality, but can never be so for its restoration.
The passage from the state of nature to the civil state produces a very remarkable change in man, by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct.
It is not the criminal things which are hardest to confess, but the ridiculous and shameful.
The right of conquest has no foundation other than the right of the strongest.
Everything is perfect coming from the hands of the Creator; everything degenerates in the hands of man.
Wise Quote
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Relationship Quote
A woman we love rarely satisfies all our needs, and we deceive her with a woman whom we do not love.
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