John Donne Quotes
Showing: 41 - 50 John Donne Quotes of 70
Can there be worse sickness, than to know that we are never well, nor can be so?
In best understandings, sin began, Angels sinned first, then Devils, and then Man.
Sleep is pain's easiest salve, and doth fulfill All offices of death, except to kill.
Be more than man, or thou'rt less than an ant.
To roam Giddily, and be everywhere but at home, Such freedom doth a banishment become.
On a huge hill, Cragged and steep, Truth stands, and he that will Reach her, about must, and about must go.
Though truth and falsehood be Near twins, yet truth a little elder is.
Oft from new truths, and new phrase, new doubts grow, As strange attire aliens the men we know.
Who knows his virtues name or place, hath none.
As peace is of all goodness, so war is an emblem, a hieroglyphic, of all misery.
Humorous Quote
Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
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