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Learned Hand Quotes
Showing: 11 - 20 Learned Hand Quotes of 32
Even though counting heads is not an ideal way to govern, at least it is better than breaking them.
If a community decides that some conduct is prejudicial to itself, and so decides by numbers sufficient to impose its will upon dissenters, I know of no principle which can stay its hand.
I had rather take my chance that some traitors will escape detection than spread abroad a spirit of general suspicion and distrust, which accepts rumor and gossip in place of undismayed and unintimidated inquiry.
We prate of freedom; we are in deadly fear of life.
Conservative political opinion in America cleaves to the tradition of the judge as passive interpreter, believing that his absolute loyalty to authoritative law is the price of his immunity from political pressure and of the security of his tenure.
The profession of the law of which he [a judge] is a part is charged with the articulation and final incidence of the successive efforts towards justice; it must feel the circulation of the communal blood or it will wither and drop off, a useless member.
Our common law is the stock instance of a combination of custom and its successive adaptations.
The lawyer must either learn to live more capaciously or be content to find himself continuously less trusted, more circumscribed, till he becomes hardly more important than a minor administrator, confined to a monotonous round of record and routine, without dignity, inspiration, or respect.
There is something monstrous in commands couched in invented and unfamiliar language; an alien master is the worst of all. The language of the law must not be foreign to the ears of those who are to obey it.
Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.
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If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
Motivational Quote
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Happiness Quote
Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.
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There are times when sorrow seems the only truth.
Life Quote
Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art.
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