Sam Levenson Quotes
Brief author info: Sam Levenson (1911-1980) American humorist.
Showing: 1 - 7 Sam Levenson Quotes of 7
It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.
You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.
I like life. It's something to do.
One antidote for sexual truancy lies in simply teaching youth the wonder, the miracle, the reverence for the creation of life itself. Life is a divine creation. You don't take chances with creation.
How wise are thy commandments, Lord. Each of them applies to somebody I know.
Somewhere on this globe every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
Somewhere on this globe every 10 seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
Browse Page(s):
Wise Quote
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Life Quote
The most important thing is to enjoy your life-to be happy-it's all that matters.
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