Atheism Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Atheism Quotes of 14
The atheist's most embarrassing moment is when he feels profoundly thankful for something but can't think of anybody to thank for it.
Atheism is rather in the lip than in the heart of man.
God never wrought miracle to convince atheism, because His ordinary works convince it.
No one is so much alone in the universe as a denier of God.
The religion of the atheist has a God-shaped blank at its heart.
Seems as unfounded ... to say there isn't a God as to say there is.
A good reply to an atheist is to give him an excellent dinner and then ask if he believes there is a cook.
There has never been a race of atheists.
A little philosophy inclineth men's minds to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.
Those who deny the existence of God are hard put to explain the existence of man.

Wisdom Quote
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.

Age Quote
Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we are born.

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