Books Quotes

Showing: 41 - 50 Books Quotes of 96
Let every man, if possible, gather some good books under his roof, and obtain access for himself and family to some social library.
The easiest books are generally the best; for, whatever author is obscure and difficult in his own language, certainly does not think clearly.
A room without books is a body without a soul.
Books support us in solitude, and keep us from being a burden to ourselves.
Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books.
A good book has no ending.
There are still a few of us booklovers around despite the awful warnings of Marshall McLuhan with his TV era and his pending farewell to Gutenberg.
A book may be as great a thing as a battle.
Beware of the man of one book.
Books are the beehives of thought; laconics the honey taken from them.

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