Cats Quotes

Showing: 1 - 5 Cats Quotes of 5
Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.
Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you.
When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me more than I with her.
The trouble with a kitten is THAT Eventually it becomes a CAT.
When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby.
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Change Quote
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
Motivational Quote
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Life Quote
The time we waste trying to find out what life is all about could be spent loving someone and finding out.
Happiness Quote
Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.

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