Coldness Quotes

Showing: 1 - 5 Coldness Quotes of 5
The cold in clime are cold in blood, Their love can scarce deserve the name.
Are you then unable to recognize a sob unless it has the same sound as yours?
Men of cold passions have quick eyes.
Every heart has its secret sorrows which the world knows not, and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad.
What makes people hard-hearted is this, that each man has, or fancies he has, as much as he can bear in his own troubles.
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Happiness Quote
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so.
Relationship Quote
The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands.
Life Quote
The time we waste trying to find out what life is all about could be spent loving someone and finding out.

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