Morality Quotes

Showing: 21 - 30 Morality Quotes of 67
Our system of morality is a body of imperfect social generalizations expressed in terms of emotion.
Morality is largely a matter of geography.
There can be no final truth in ethics any more than in physics, until the last man has had his experience and said his say.
Be not too hasty to trust or to admire the teachers of morality: they discourse like angels, but they live like men.
Rhetoric takes no real account of the art in literature and morality takes no account of the art in life.
Abstractions about right and wrong, whether they are as old as Thou Shalt Not Kill or as modern as Do Your Own Thing, often serve only to confuse and weaken genuine moral decision.
Every man has his moral backside too, which he doesn't expose unnecessarily but keeps covered as long as possible by the trousers of decorum.
The whole speculation about morality is an effort to find a way of living which men who live it will instinctively feel is good.
There is nothing so bad but it can masquerade as moral.
There cannot any one moral rule be proposed whereof a man may not justly demand a reason.

Motivational Quote
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Strength Quote
Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong. Sometimes it's letting go.

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