Movies Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Movies Quotes of 22
Hollywood's a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul.
In the world of movie personalities the distance between popularity and politics is short.
The tragedy of film history is that it is fabricated, falsified, by the very people who make film history.
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.
The stultifying effect of the movies is not that the children see them but that their parents do, as if Hollywood provided a plausible adult recreation to grow up into.
Since films and television have staged everything imaginable before it happens, a true event, taking place in the real world, brings to mind the landscape of films.
A film is a boat which is always on the point of sinking-it always tends to break up as you go along and drag you under with it.
Movies are, like sharp sunlight, merciless; we do not imagine, we view.
All Americans born between 1890 and 1945 wanted to be movie stars.
A film is a petrified fountain of thought.

Funny Quote
Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
Strength Quote
Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong. Sometimes it's letting go.
Marriage Quote
Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to hold him. After marriage, she has to hold him to make love to him.
Family Quote
You have to live your life according to what comforts you, not what the rest of your family thinks you ought to be doing.

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