Poverty Quotes
Showing: 31 - 40 Poverty Quotes of 98
It is not poverty so much as pretense that harasses a ruined man-the struggle between a proud mind and an empty purse-the keeping up of a hollow show that must soon come to an end.
It is easy enough to say that poverty is no crime. No; if it were men wouldn't be ashamed of it. It's a blunder, though, and is punished as such.
When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn't know it had a name.
Poverty has many roots, but the tap root is ignorance.
All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil, show it to be evidently a great evil. You never find people laboring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.
Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty, and it makes some virtues impracticable and others extremely difficult.
Poverty has, in large cities, very different appearances; it is often concealed in splendour, and often in extravagance.
Slow rises worth by poverty depressed.
Of the woes Of unhappy poverty, none is more difficult to bear Than that it heaps men with ridicule.
Seldom do people discern Eloquence under a threadbare cloak.
Truth Quote
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
Success Quote
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Success Quote
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
Funny Quote
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
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