Sorrow Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Sorrow Quotes of 90
She had the feeling that somehow, in the very far-off places, perhaps even in far-off ages, there would be a meaning found to all sorrow and an answer too fair and wonderful to be as yet understood.
Grief drives men into habits of serious reflection, sharpens the understanding and softens the heart.
She cried for herself, she cried because she was afraid that she herself might die in the night, because she was alone in the world, because her desperate and empty life was not an overture but an ending, and through it all she could see the rough, brutal shape of a coffin.
Melancholy and remorse form the deep leaden keel which enables us to sail into the wind of reality.
It is better to drink of deep griefs than to taste shallow pleasures.
He truly sorrows who sorrows unseen.
Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.
Where there is sorrow there is holy ground.
Be careful before leaving someone in a sorrowing situation. Say a word of prayer with them and share even a brief word of encouragement from the Scriptures.
I shall drink with joy the cup of sorrow because my Beloved is the cup-bearer.

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