Sympathy Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Sympathy Quotes of 29
To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own.
Pity may represent little more than the impersonal concern which prompts the mailing of a check, but true sympathy is the personal concern which demands the giving of one's soul.
Never let anyone even catch a glimpse of your sorrow; inquisitive people drink tears as flies drink the blood of a wounded deer.
When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathize are really looking for the particulars.
Three-fourths of the people you will meet tomorrow are hungering and thirsting for sympathy. Give it to them, and they will love you.
When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathize are really looking for the particulars.
A sympathizer is a fellow that's for you as long as it doesn't cost anything.
Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves.
Needs there groan a world in anguish just to teach us sympathy?
The less we parade our misfortunes, the more sympathy we command.

Funny Quote
The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept.
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Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Happiness Quote
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.

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