Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Quotes

Brief author info: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Russian novelist.

Showing: 1 - 10 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Quotes of 157
A leader should not be a man who arbitrarily imported his own ideas but the essential focal point for a group of people who trusted one another and worked for a common aim.
If so far we have been unable to see clearly or to reflect the eternal lineaments of truth, is it not because we too are still moving towards some end-because we are still alive?
... it is a major responsibility ... of all communication for each of us to help everyone else discover the best that is in him.
And you have the right to arrange your own life under the blue sky and the hot sun, to get a drink of water, to stretch, to travel wherever you like without a convoy. So what's this about unwiped feet? And what's this about a mother-in-law? What about the main thing in life, all its riddles? ... Do not pursue what is illusory-property and position: all that is gained at the expense of your nerves decade after decade ... Live with a steady superiority over life-don't be afraid of misfortune, and do not yearn after happiness; it is, after all, all the same: the bitter doesn't last forever, and the sweet never fills the cup to overflowing. It is enough if you don't freeze in the cold and if thirst and hunger don't claw at your insides. If your back isn't broken, if your feet can walk, if both arms can bend, if both eyes see, and if both ears hear, then whom should you envy? And why? ... and prize above all else in the world those who love you and wish you well.
Why should I trust you? We haven't drunk from the same bowl of soup.
There are defendants whom the judges are afraid of.
When you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in your power. He is free again.
When things are too clear, they are no longer interesting.
The heart senses who is friend and who is no friend.
A hard life improves the vision.

Relationship Quote
A woman we love rarely satisfies all our needs, and we deceive her with a woman whom we do not love.

Success Quote
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Funny Quote
Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
Wise Quote
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Love Quote
Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not.

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