Clifford Beers Quotes

Brief author info: Clifford Beers (1876-1943) American mental health advocate and writer.

Showing: 1 - 6 Clifford Beers Quotes of 6
... patients seldom run amuck at mealtime.
Most sane people think that no insane person can reason logically. But this is not so.
Not a few patients, however, suffering from certain forms of mental disorder, regain a high degree of insight into their mental condition in what might be termed a flash of divine enlightenment.
To be on the safe and humane side, let every relative and friend ... remember the golden rule, which has never been suspended with respect to the insane. Go to see them, treat them sanely, write to them, keep them informed about the home circle; let not your devotion flag, nor accept any repulse.
To leave behind what was in reality a hell, and immediately have this good green earth revealed in more glory than most men ever see it, was one of the compensating privileges which make me feel that my suffering was worthwhile.
... many a suicide might be averted if the person contemplating it could find the proper assistance when such a crisis impends.
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Funny Quote
Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
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Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not.

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