Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes
Brief author info: Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907) American poet, editor, novelist, playwright.
Showing: 1 - 10 Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes of 19
There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.
A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
True art selects and paraphrases, but seldom gives a verbatim translation.
The fate of the worm refutes the pretended ethical teaching of the proverb, which assumes to illustrate the advantage of early rising and does so by showing how extremely dangerous it is.
The man who suspects his own tediousness is yet to be born.
Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades.
He has the courage of his conviction and the intolerance of his courage. He is opposed to the death penalty for murder, but he would willingly have anyone electrocuted who disagreed with him on the subject.
Dialect tempered with slang is an admirable medium of communication between persons who have nothing to say and persons who would not care for anything properly said.
It is only your habitual late riser who takes in the full flavor of Nature at those rare intervals when he gets up to go afishing. He brings virginal emotions and unsatiated eyes to the sparkling freshness of earth and stream and sky.
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent-that is to triumph over old age.
Funny Quote
Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
Motivational Quote
To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are.
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