Conversation Quotes

Showing: 71 - 80 Conversation Quotes of 103
The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing.
The soul of conversation is sympathy.
We talk little if we do not talk about ourselves.
Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.
A civil guest Will no more talk all, than eat all the feast.
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; Carve every word before you let it fall.
No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next.
That is the happiest conversation where there is no competition, no vanity, but a calm quiet interchange of sentiments.
A gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks to you about himself; a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.
One thing which makes us find so few people who appear reasonable and agreeable in conversation is, that there is scarcely any one who does not think more of what he is about to say than of answering precisely what is said to him.

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