Courage Quotes

Showing: 31 - 40 Courage Quotes of 77
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.
A coward turns away but a brave man's choice Is danger.
This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends.
Without justice, courage is weak.
Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Only one feat is possible-not to have run away.
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or reward that quality in its chosen leaders today-and in fact we have forgotten.
Love of fame, fear of disgrace, schemes for advancement, desire to make life comfortable and pleasant, and the urge to humiliate others are often at the root of the valour men hold in such high esteem.
No one can answer for his courage when he has never been in danger.
Perfect valour consists in doing without witnesses that which we would be capable of doing before everyone.

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Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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