End Quotes

Showing: 1 - 5 End Quotes of 5
But all things earthly have an end.
In the end Things will mend.
In everything we ought to look at the end.
The weariest nights, the longest days, sooner or later must perforce come to an end.
The end crowns the work.
Browse Page(s):

Wisdom Quote
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.

Love Quote
I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent.
Friendship Quote
Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
Truth Quote
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
Life Quote
Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends.

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