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Human Nature Quotes
Showing: 51 - 57 Human Nature Quotes of 57
No man thinks there is much ado about nothing when the ado is about himself.
How do most people live without any thoughts? There are many people in the world-you must have noticed them in the street-how do they live? How do they get strength to put on their clothes in the morning?
It is true that water will flow indifferently to east and west, but will it flow equally well up and down? Human nature is disposed toward goodness, just as water tends to flow downwards. There is no water but flows downwards, and no man but shows his tendency to be good. Now, by striking water hard, you may splash it higher than your forehead, and by damming it, you may make it go uphill. But, is that the nature of water? It is external force that causes it to do so. Likewise, if a man is made to do what is not good, his nature is being similarly forced.
When people have peace, they hate it and long for excitement, and when they have excitement, they want peace.
Verily man was created avid of gain; when evil befalls him, apt to grieve; when good befalls him, grudging.
I think that man can live more simply than any other thing, and that this is one of his most striking characteristics. An idea like wanting to live the life of a stone could occur only to a man.
When man has freed himself of all his desires, he will also be utterly indifferent to the misery and the grief of men everywhere. ... To let others live, and not to live oneself, simply violates nature.
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Unhappiness Quote
It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.
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If you start by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work towards getting it.
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Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
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Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to hold him. After marriage, she has to hold him to make love to him.
Wisdom Quote
Things don't change. You change your way of looking, that's all.
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