Life Passages Quotes

Showing: 31 - 40 Life Passages Quotes of 109
If one could recover the uncompromising spirit of one's youth, one's greatest indignation would be for what one has become.
The test of a man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.
Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
Sometimes the best way to convince someone he is wrong is to let him have his way.
Our enemies approach nearer to truth in their judgments of us than we do ourselves.
We are linked by blood, and blood is memory without language.
While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert it only irritates.
Who so neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future.
A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg.
Oh, what a bitter thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes.

Wise Quote
A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.
Success Quote
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

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