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Maturity Quotes
Showing: 1 - 10 Maturity Quotes of 44
Marriage is our last best chance to grow up.
One sign of maturity is knowing when to ask for help.
What we are is our parents' children; what we become is our children's parents.
Maturity begins when you feel you are right about something without feeling the need to prove someone else wrong.
A person remains immature, whatever his age, as long as he thinks of himself as an exception to the human race.
Grown up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.
Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven; And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot; And thereby hangs a tale.
When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was upon me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice-that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it."
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Sad Quote
There are times when sorrow seems the only truth.
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The nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least I can dream.
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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.
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Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong. Sometimes it's letting go.
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The road to success is always under construction
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