Memory Quotes

Showing: 61 - 70 Memory Quotes of 106
Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory; Odours, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the sense they quicken.
Our memories are independent of our wills. It is not so easy to forget.
Memory, the priestess, kills the present and offers its heart to the shrine of the dead past.
Oh better than the minting Of a gold-crowned king Is the safe-kept memory Of a lovely thing.
We seem but to linger in manhood to tell the dreams of our childhood, and they vanish out of memory ere we learn the language.
In memory's telephoto lens, far objects are magnified.
Memory has the singular characteristic of recalling in a friend absent, as in a journey long past, only that which is agreeable.
What would the future of man be if it were devoid of memory?
Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
What's memory but the ash That chokes our fires that have begun to sink?

Happiness Quote
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so.
Funny Quote
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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