Mental Illness Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Mental Illness Quotes of 128
When a man mistakes his thoughts for persons and things, this is madness.
Here I sit-mad as the Hatter-with nothing to do but either become madder and madder or else recover enough of my sanity to be allowed to go back to the life which drove me mad.
To be crazy is not necessarily to writhe in snake pits or converse with imaginary gods. It can sometimes be not knowing what to do in the morning.
Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon the heart?
Most persons with schizophrenia are not dangerous at all.
Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively.
... nothing defines the quality of life in a community more clearly than people who regard themselves, or whom the consensus chooses to regard, as mentally unwell.
The madman who knows that he is mad is close to sanity.
And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars.
Psychotic episodes are disintegrations which provide an opportunity for reintegration at new levels.

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