Moderation Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Moderation Quotes of 20
If one is moderate in developing one's justifiable inclinations, and succeeds in freeing oneself of one's inhibitions, this will not shorten one's life span, but increase it. All of these things can be compared to fire and water: only their excessive use is harmful.
Ask the gods nothing excessive.
Give me more love or more disdain; The torrid or the frozen zone Bring equal ease unto my pain; The temperate affords me none.
There is a mistaken idea, ancient but still with us, that an overdose of anything from fornication to hot chocolate will teach restraint by the very results of its abuse.
It is only through restraint that man can manage not to suppress himself.
Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negroes' great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens' "Councilor" or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice.
Is not moderation an old refrain Ringing in our ears? from which we all refrain.
The moderate are not usually the most sincere, for the same circumspection which makes them moderate makes them likewise retentive of what could give offense.
Moderation has been created a virtue to limit the ambition of great men, and to console undistinguished people for their want of fortune and their lack of merit.

Happiness Quote
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so.

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