Rich And Poor Quotes

Showing: 1 - 10 Rich And Poor Quotes of 40
Eat with the rich, but go to the play with the poor, who are capable of joy.
Behind every great fortune there is a crime.
The have and the have-nots can often be traced back to the dids and the did-nots.
The difference between old veau and nouveau is that one dies, and the Other buys.
It's no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.
Most idealistic people are skint. I have discovered that people with money have no imagination, and people with imagination have no money.
If you aren't rich, you should always look useful.
We were poor when I was young but the difference was that the government didn't come around telling you you were poor.
If you've ever really been poor you remain poor at heart all your life. I've often walked when I could very well afford to take a taxi because I simply couldn't bring myself to waste the shilling it would cost.
Rich people are just poor people with money.

Success Quote
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

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