Truth Quotes

Showing: 211 - 220 Truth Quotes of 309
The truth is not always what we want to hear.
Truth may languish, but can never perish.
Truth needs no crutches; If it limps it's a lie.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
All things to all men only fools will tell, Truth profits none but those that use it well.
A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent.
Error is created; truth is eternal.
Sow truth, if thou the truth wouldst reap: Who sows the false shall reap the vain.
Truth, like the sun, submits to be obscured; but, like the sun, only for a time.
Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented.

Life Quote
The most important thing is to enjoy your life-to be happy-it's all that matters.
Friendship Quote
Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.

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