Love Quotes

Showing: 121 - 130 Love Quotes of 603
It [love] is a disease to be born with patience, like any nervous complaint, and to be treated with counter-irritants.
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
It is impossible to love and be wise.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.
Whoso loves Believes the impossible.
Love dies only when growth stops.
Love is the admiration and cherishing of the amiable qualities of the beloved person, upon the condition of yourself being the object of their action.
Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole.
All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame.

Wisdom Quote
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.
Humorous Quote
Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

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