Love Quotes

Showing: 191 - 200 Love Quotes of 603
Love is ownership. We own whom we love. The universe is God's because He loves.
Who can give law to lovers? Love is a greater law to itself.
Oh! death will find me, long before I tire Of watching you ...
Take away love and our world would be a tomb.
There are no galley slaves in the royal vessel of divine love-every man works his oar voluntarily.
Gold does not satisfy love; it must be paid in its own coin.
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known.
The love we have in our youth is superficial compared to the love that an old man has for his old wife.
Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
I believe that the sum total of the energy of mankind is not to bring us down but to lift us up, and that is the result of the definite, if unconscious, working of the law of love. The fact that mankind persists shows that the cohesive force is greater than the disruptive force, centripetal force greater than centrifugal.

Funny Quote
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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