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Men And Women Quotes
Showing: 51 - 60 Men And Women Quotes of 136
A woman wants a man to make her happy, and doesn't a man dare each new woman to make him good?
But most men regard their life as a poem that women threaten. They may not have two spondees to rub together but they still want to pen their saga untrammelled by life-threatening activities like trailing round Sainsbury's, emptying the dishwasher or going to the nativity play.
Nothing more surely cultivates and embellishes a man than association with refined and virtuous women.
The voice of woman has been silenced in the state, the church, and the home, but man cannot fulfill his destiny alone, he cannot redeem his race unaided.
When a woman dresses up for an occasion, the man should become the black velvet pillow for the jewel.
I'm not deny in' the women are foolish: God Almighty made 'em to match the men.
The woman who is known only through a man is known wrong.
The innumerable conflicts that set men and women against one another come from the fact that neither is prepared to assume all the consequences of this situation which the one has offered and the other accepted.
All literature up to today is sexist. The Muses never sang to the poets about liberated women. It's the same old chanson from the Bible and Homer through Joyce and Proust.
In the forties [1940s] in Washington it was still unusual for a rich and socially well-connected married woman to work. If she did, her husband was assumed by his peers to be unable to support a household on his own and somehow to be inadequate.
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