Politics Quotes
Showing: 51 - 60 Politics Quotes of 82
A Conservative is a man who wants the rules changed so no one can make
Nothing is so abject and pathetic as a politician who has lost his job, save only a retired stud-horse.
I am a Tory anarchist. I should like everyone to go about doing just as he pleased - short of altering any of the things to which I have grown accustomed.
All isms end in fascism.
In politics if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.
Communism is like one big phone company.
Walter Mondale has all the charisma of a speed bump.
The way I read Billy Carter's testimony, he was a model citizen himself until the voters went and ruined his life by making his brother President.
Dukakis is the Greek word for Mondale.
What you always do before you make a decision is consult. The best public policy is made when you are listening to people who are going to be impacted. Then, once a policy is determined, you call on them to help you sell it.
Life Quote
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
Success Quote
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
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