Marriage Quotes

Showing: 281 - 290 Marriage Quotes of 303
At the beginning of a marriage ask yourself whether this woman will be interesting to talk to from now until old age. Everything else in marriage is transitory: most of the time is spent in conversation.
Marriage is a fine and sacred thing if you make it so.
All other goods by Fortune's hands are given; A wife is the peculiar gift of heaven.
The secret of happy marriage is simple: Just keep on being as polite to one another as you are to your friends.
In buying a horse and taking a wife, shut your eyes and commend yourself to God.
He that has a wife has a master.
Marry and grow tame.
A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude.
A married couple are well suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time.
It isn't tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying, it's separating himself from all the others.

Life Quote
Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
Motivational Quote
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.

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