Marriage Quotes

Showing: 211 - 220 Marriage Quotes of 303
You stay married by being, and by marrying, the sort of person who stays married.
The secret of marriage is: separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms.
The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his check book open.
My husband believed that all women who want to should be free, equal, independent, creative, well informed, and lead stimulating, interesting lives. Except me.
Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant. Of a teacher and a learner.
There is no lonelier man in death, except the suicide, than that man who has lived many years with a good wife and then outlived her. If two people love each other there can be no happy end to it.
A woman seldom comes out of a sullen spell until she's sure her husband has suffered as much as she thinks he should.
Eat, Drink, and Remarry.
He first deceased; she for a little tried to live without him, liked it not and died.
There is so little difference between husbands. You might as well keep the first.

Love Quote
Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not.

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