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Marriage Quotes
Showing: 201 - 210 Marriage Quotes of 303
The real marriage of true minds is for any two people to possess a sense of humor or irony pitched in exactly the same key, so that their joint glances at any subject cross like interarching searchlights.
I've been married so long I'm on my third bottle of Tabasco.
The only thing my husband and I have in common is that we were married on the same day.
Making love within a marriage means that if the phone goes you sometimes answer it.
In every marriage the wife has to keep her mouth shut about at least one small thing her husband does that disgusts her.
One doesn't have to get anywhere in marriage. It is not a public conveyance.
Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open.
I used to believe that marriage would diminish me, reduce my options. That you had to be someone less to live with someone else when, of course, you have to be someone more.
In almost every marriage there is a selfish and an unselfish partner. A pattern is set up and soon becomes inflexible, of one person always making the demands and one person always giving way.
Your soul-mate is the person that pushes all your buttons - pisses you off on a regular basis. It's not easy having a good marriage but I don't want easy. I thank God every day that I married a man who made me think. That's my definition of true love.
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